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Formula Recipes for Increased Calories

The following recipes are approximate calculations for mixing standard infant formulas for increased caloric densities.

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22 kcal/oz Enfamil Premium, Gentlease, Prosobee, Alimentum, Good Start Gentle, Good Start Soy PM 60/40, Elecare
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
4 7 oz 8 oz

Using liquid concentrate: 1 can concentrate + 11 oz water = 24 oz.

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22 kcal/oz Similac Advance, Sensitive, Isomil
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
4 6 3/4 oz 7.5 oz

Using liquid concentrate: 1 can concentrate + 11 oz water = 24 oz.

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22 kcal/oz Portagen
Scoops of powder (level, PACKED) Boiled or sterile water Makes
3 5.5 oz 6 oz

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22 kcal/oz Nutramigen
Scoops of powder (level and PACKED) Boiled or sterile water Makes
5 9 oz 10 oz

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22 kcal/oz Pregestimil
Scoops of powder (level and PACKED) Boiled or sterile water Makes
4 7 oz 8 oz

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22 kcal/oz Elecare
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
5 9 oz 10 oz

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22 kcal/oz Neocate
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
9 7 oz 8 oz

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24 kcal/oz EnfaCare
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
5 8.5 oz 9.75 oz

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24 kcal/oz Similac Neosure, Good Start Nourish
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
6 11 oz 12 oz

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24 kcal/oz Enfamil Premium, Gentlease, Prosobee, Alimentum, PM 60/40 Good Start Gentle, Good Start Soy, Elecare
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
5 8 oz 9 oz

Using liquid concentrate: 1 can concentrate (13 oz) + 9 oz water = 22 oz.

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24 kcal/oz of Similac Advance, Sensitive, Isomil
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
5 7 3/4 oz 9 oz

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24 kcal/oz Neocate
Scoops of powder (level, unpacked) Boiled or sterile water Makes
9 6.5 oz 7.5 oz

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24 kcal/oz Nutramigen
Scoops of powder (level and PACKED) Boiled or sterile water Makes
3 5 oz 5.5 ...

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