An acute, diffuse, inflammatory lung injury that leads to increased pulmonary vascular permeability, increased lung weight, diffuse alveolar damage, and hypoxemia.
Berlin definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Accounts for approximately 5% of hospitalized and mechanically ventilated pediatric patients
Incidence in children varies greatly, but in the United States ranges between 2.9 and 9.5 cases/100,000 children per year
Mortality depends on age, etiology, pre-morbid conditions, and severity of oxygenation deficit:
Most common etiology: Sepsis
Others include systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), pneumonia, aspiration, smoke inhalation, trauma, drowning, pancreatitis, and massive blood transfusions
Risk of developing ARDS is higher in adults with a history of alcoholism and obesity
Arterial blood gas: Profound hypoxemia, usually refractory to supplemental oxygen administration; elevated alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient. Calculate PaO2/FiO2 to determine severity of ARDS. Initially the PCO2 is low because of hyperventilation, but later on there is CO2 retention
Indicators of end-organ damage and multiorgan failure: Follow liver enzyme levels, coagulation studies, cardiac enzymes
Chest radiograph: Diffuse bilateral alveolar infiltrates
Chest CT scan: Bilateral patchy airspace opacities in dependent areas of lung
Expected changes in lung function and mechanics: Decreased total lung capacity, decreased functional residual capacity (FRC), large intrapulmonary shunt fraction (QS/QT), decreased pulmonary compliance
Management involves supportive ventilation and correction of underlying causes while treating comorbidities and limiting complications.
Ventilation: Goal is to achieve adequate (not necessarily normal) alveolar gas exchange while limiting complications by using low tidal volume to avoid alveolar overdistention, low FiO2 to reduce oxidant injury, and high positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to limit barotrauma and maximize lung recruitment:
✓ Minimize tidal volume: Goal 4–8 mL/kg
✓ Permissive hypercapnia: Smaller tidal volumes result in hypoventilation, therefore an elevation of PaCO2
✓ PEEP: 5–15cm H2O to prevent or reverse atelectasis
✓ Limit inflating (plateau) pressure (e.g, after an inspiratory hold) to less than 30cm H2O if possible
✓ Goal SpO2...