Sections View Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Annotate Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Supplementary Content +++ Key Features +++ Essentials of Diagnosis ++ Delusional thoughts Disorganized speech (rambling or illogical speech patterns) Disorganized or bizarre behavior Hallucinations (auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory) Paranoia, ideas of reference Negative symptoms (ie, flat affect, avolition, alogia) +++ General Considerations ++ The incidence of schizophrenia is about 1 per 10,000 per year Onset of schizophrenia is typically between the middle to late teenage and early 30s Symptoms usually begin after puberty, although a full "psychotic break" may not occur until the young adult years Childhood onset (before puberty) of psychotic symptoms due to schizophrenia is uncommon and usually indicates a more severe form of the spectrum of schizophrenic disorders Childhood-onset schizophrenia is more likely to be found in boys Schizophrenia has a strong genetic component Other psychotic disorders that may be encountered in childhood or adolescence include schizoaffective disorder and psychosis not otherwise specified (psychosis NOS) +++ Clinical Findings ++ Children and adolescents display many of the symptoms of adult schizophrenia Hallucinations or delusions, bizarre and morbid thought content, and rambling and illogical speech are typical Affected individuals tend to withdraw into an internal world of fantasy and may then equate fantasy with external reality They generally have difficulty with schoolwork and with family and peer relationships Adolescents may have a prodromal period of depression prior to the onset of psychotic symptoms Most patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia have had nonspecific psychiatric symptoms or symptoms of delayed development for months or years prior to the onset of their overtly psychotic symptoms +++ Diagnosis ++ Obtaining a family history of mental illness is critical when assessing children and adolescents with psychotic symptoms Psychological testing, particularly the use of projective measures, is often helpful in identifying or ruling out psychotic thought processes Psychotic symptoms in children younger than age 8 years must be differentiated from manifestations of normal vivid fantasy life or abuse-related symptoms Children with psychotic disorders often have learning and attention disabilities in addition to disorganized thoughts, delusions, and hallucinations In psychotic adolescents, mania is differentiated by high levels of energy, excitement, and irritability Any child or adolescent exhibiting new psychotic symptoms requires a medical evaluation that includes Physical and neurologic examinations (including consideration of magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalogram) Drug screening Metabolic screening for endocrinopathies Wilson disease Delirium +++ Treatment ++ The treatment of childhood and adolescent schizophrenia focuses on four main areas Decreasing active psychotic symptoms Supporting development of social and cognitive skills Reducing the risk of relapse of psychotic symptoms Providing support and education to parents and family members A special school or day treatment environment may be necessary, depending on the child's or adolescent's ability to tolerate the school day and classroom activities Support for the family emphasizes the importance of clear, focused communication and an emotionally calm climate in preventing recurrences of ... Your Access profile is currently affiliated with [InstitutionA] and is in the process of switching affiliations to [InstitutionB]. Please select how you would like to proceed. Keep the current affiliation with [InstitutionA] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Switch affiliation to [InstitutionB] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Get Free Access Through Your Institution Learn how to see if your library subscribes to McGraw Hill Medical products. Subscribe: Institutional or Individual Sign In Error: Incorrect UserName or Password Username Error: Please enter User Name Password Error: Please enter Password Sign in Forgot Password? Forgot Username? Sign in via OpenAthens Sign in via Shibboleth You already have access! Please proceed to your institution's subscription. Create a free profile for additional features.