Captain Mutaz Aljader, MD
King Hussein Medical City
Department of Neonatology
Centre Hospitalier de la Polynésie Française
Manisha Bhandankar, MBBS, MD, PhD
Consultant in Neonatology
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & Medical Research Centre
Imelda Consunji Vinzon Bautista, MD, MPH, FAAP, FPPS, FPSNbM
Chief, Section of Neonatology
Head, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Institute of Pediatrics and Child Health
St. Luke's Medical Center Global City
Musaddaq Inayat, MBBS, FAAP
Department of Neonatology
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Chief, Division of Neonatology
Hospital Rudolf Weigl, Blachownia
Neelima Kharidehal, MD (Peds), MRCPCH (UK)
Fellowship in Neonatology
Rainbow Children's Hospital
Leiden University Medical Center
Department of Neonatology
Centre Hospitalier de la Polynésie Française
J. Rosmary Hinojosa Pérez, MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Neonatology
San Juan Bautista Private University
Master Chief of Neonatology
National Maternal Perinatal Institute Lima, Peru
Department of Neonatology
Maulana Azad Medical College
Mary (Molly) Seshia, MBChB, DCH, FRCP (Ed)
Neonatologist, Professor of Pediatrics
Max Rady College of Medicine
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Albert Katz Department of Neonatology
The Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital
Head of Division of Neonatology
Pirkanmaa Hospital District
Tampere University Hospital
Christiane Theda, FRACP, MD, PhD, MBA
Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne
PIPER Newborn Transport at the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne
Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Carlos Ogilvie Thomas, MBBS, FAAP
Princess Margaret Hospital
Alejandro Víquez Víquez, MD
Department of Neonatology
National Children's Hospital, C.C.S.S