Texas Children's Hospital Handbook of Pediatrics and Neonatology
is unlike any other pediatrics pocket manual. It is compact and concise, yet
it thoroughly addresses both neonatology and pediatrics. It is written
specifically to serve as an actual point-of-care tool; clinical algorithms,
figures, and tables are abundant, promising rapid access to the information
needed at the bedside. There is a remarkable online component to this
handbook, in which the reader can freely access additional topics, updates,
and supplementary information. This text is compact enough to comfortably
carry in a white coat pocket; in fact, key medications and dosages are cited
in-text in lieu of a separate formulary section. In addition, a critical
care rapid reference card is included—an invaluable resource that
provides immediate access to critical information in emergencies.
Authored and reviewed by over 125 interns, residents,
fellows, and faculty at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, Texas,
Children's Hospital Handbook of Pediatrics and Neonatology collectively
embodies the experiences and clinical pearls that are most helpful for
students, trainees, and junior faculty. Distinguished faculty in virtually
every pediatric discipline have authored and reviewed the content to ensure
that this text refl ects the current clinical practice at our institution.
The practice of medicine is often as much an art as it is a science, and in
areas where robust evidence does not exist, the opinions and recommendations
of our experts at Texas Children's Hospital are included. Many chapters and
sections in this text are not found in other handbooks: eg, Clinical Pearls
for the Wards; Neonatal and Pediatric Nutrition including "TPN in 10 Steps;"
and Stabilization, Delivery Room Care, and Initial Treatment of the VLBW
Infant, to name a few. You will find that
Texas Children's Hospital
Handbook of Pediatrics and Neonatology offers concise, evidence-based
information in an easy-to-access format that is directly applicable to
bedside care of the patient in both pediatrics and neonatology.
Although digital and electronic media have supplanted, in
some cases, physical documents, handbooks, and texts, an effective pocket
manual remains a crucial training tool, both as a repository for personal
clinical experiences and as a point-of-care reference. We are certain that
within this handbook you will find the most important and relevant
information for the white-coat of the trainee in pediatrics and neonatology.
Wherever possible, helpful resources, including internet addresses and
literature references, have been included directly in the text.
Texas Children's Hospital Handbook of Pediatrics and
Neonatology will continue to evolve; current updates, as well as a vast
amount of additional content, are available at
www.AccessPediatrics.com. We are
confident that you will find this pocket manual invaluable as you learn the
art and science of pediatrics and neonatology.
W. LowryKushal Y. BhaktaPratip K. Nag