Sections View Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Annotate Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Supplementary Content + • Suspected Sarcoptes scabiei infestation; the diagnosis should be verified because it is often overdiagnosed. + • Glass microscope slide.• Mineral oil.• Cotton-tipped applicator.• Microscope.• #15 scalpel blade or other device to scrape skin. + • Minimal discomfort and bleeding with vigorous scraping. + • Scrape burrows or unexcoriated papules.• The highest yield of mites, eggs, or fecal pellets is from the burrows, which are most commonly found on hands or feet.• If many family members have lesions, perform the scraping on the parents, who are often more cooperative and less fearful than infants or young children.• Treatment includes eradication of the mites on the patient, treatment of associated problems (pruritus, scabietic nodules), treatment of personal contacts, and destruction of the mite in the patient’s surroundings. + • Parents and patients should be aware that scraping may cause minimal bleeding and mild discomfort. + • Patient should be positioned in good lighting with access to lesion to be tested. + • Drop mineral oil on to a sterile blade or the lesion itself with a cotton-tipped applicator.• Vigorously scrape the lesion 5–6 times until it is unroofed. This may produce bleeding.• Collect material from as many lesions as possible, preferably from burrows.• Transfer material from each lesion to the slide, add a few more drops of mineral oil, and cover with the coverslip (Figure 39–1). ++Figure 39–1.Graphic Jump LocationView Full Size||Download Slide (.ppt)Scabies under the microscope. + • Scan slide on low-power objective.• Diagnosis is made by seeing the mite itself (0.2–0.4 mm in size), mite parts, eggs (oval and one-tenth the size of the mite), egg cases, or golden-brown fecal pellets (scybala).• Feces and eggs are easier to find than mites. Feces often occur in clumps.• Air bubbles (usually round) are an artifact that can be mistaken for eggs. Gently press on coverslip to dislodge these. + • If treated adequately, follow-up is not indicated.• Pruritus may persist for weeks or months in patients even after adequate therapy. ++Cunningham BB, Wagner AM. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. In: Eichenfield LF, Frieden IJ, Esterly NB. Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 2001:77. ++Rasmussen JE. Body lice, head lice, pubic lice and scabies. In: Arndt KA, LeBoit P, Robinson JK, Wintroub BU, eds. Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 1996:1195–1199. Your Access profile is currently affiliated with [InstitutionA] and is in the process of switching affiliations to [InstitutionB]. Please select how you would like to proceed. Keep the current affiliation with [InstitutionA] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Switch affiliation to [InstitutionB] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Get Free Access Through Your Institution Learn how to see if your library subscribes to McGraw Hill Medical products. Subscribe: Institutional or Individual Sign In Error: Incorrect UserName or Password Username Error: Please enter User Name Password Error: Please enter Password Sign in Forgot Password? Forgot Username? Sign in via OpenAthens Sign in via Shibboleth You already have access! Please proceed to your institution's subscription. Create a free profile for additional features.