Thirty-two years have now passed since the publication of the first
edition of this color atlas. In the nine years since the last edition, the
field of pediatric dermatology has continued to expand dramatically. New
entities have been described, and the etiologies of older ones have been
elucidated. As molecular genetic techniques become further refined, the gene
defects causing many genodermatoses have been discovered.
In this new edition, we have included a number of newly
described entities. In disorders where there is significant clinical
variation, we have included additional photos that represent this spectrum.
We hope that the format, which we have continued from
previous editions, will allow the reader to easily find each skin disorder
– either by searching the table of contents or the index. The format
of this text allows for only a brief discussion of the etiology and clinical
appearance of each disease entity. We have also tried to include some very
basic therapeutic suggestions.
The text of the
fourth edition of the atlas bears the indelible imprint of the late Dr.
Morris Leider, a coauthor of the first edition. His wit and dedication to
the precise use of the English language can be appreciated in several
passages that have been left intact, including the humorous discussion of
insect "bites."
We ask the reader to bear in mind
that this volume is not a textbook and that it should be used in conjunction
with one of the several comprehensive references on pediatric dermatology.
It is our hope that this atlas will be of practical use to all health
practitioners who are involved in the care of children.