The 22nd edition of Rudolph's Pediatrics continues a long
tradition of adapting the textbook to changes in our understanding of health
and disease, as well as changes in learning approaches. Since the original
publication of Rudolph's Pediatrics in 1897 as Diseases of Infancy
and Childhood, written by L. Emmett Holt, the editors have attempted to
provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the underlying
biological principles, clinical features, and treatment of diseases of
infants, children, and adolescents. The rapid expansion of our knowledge of
both normal childhood development and pediatric disease processes, spurred
by the advent of new technologies and molecular medicine, makes it
increasingly difficult to achieve these goals in a single volume textbook
without curtailing the discussion of various topics. Therefore, we have
embarked on a new approach that attempts to provide comprehensive coverage
in the print version, augmented with additional tables and figures in a DVD
attached to the textbook. We also have prepared an even more comprehensive
version of the textbook that will be available as an online publication as
part of AccessPediatrics.
To simplify
access to specific subject matter, this edition is reorganized with an
expanded table of contents and chapters that are numbered sequentially
throughout the textbook. Improved color graphics and artwork also ease use
of the textbook. As in previous editions, initial sections discuss the care
of the well child, and problems unique to specific pediatric populations.
This edition includes new sections that provide an overview of pediatric
practice fundamentals, an entirely revised discussion of health promotion
and disease prevention, and new sections focused on the care of the
chronically ill child and on pediatric nutritional issues. Sections that
discuss multisystem disorders follow, including substantially revised
sections on metabolic, genetic, immunologic, and infectious disorders. The
remaining revised sections focus on disorders of specific organ systems.