Dogs and cats are often infected
with the dog tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. Gravid
proglottids may actively migrate from the animal’s anus
or from fecal material and disintegrate, spreading tapeworm eggs
in the environment. Larvae of dog and cat fleas (more rarely the
dog louse and the human flea) ingest the eggs and act as intermediate hosts,
with the tapeworm larvae maturing in the flea. When a dog or cat
ingests an infected adult flea, the larvae are released, and the
adult tapeworm develops in the animal’s small intestine
about 1 month after infection. A single flea may contain multiple
tapeworm larvae, and infection with more than 1 tapeworm is possible.1,2
Humans can acquire the infection by accidental ingestion of an
infected flea. Dipylidiasis in humans is much more common in young children
and infants than in adolescents and adults; infection in a 5-week-old
infant has been described. As in animals, the larvae in the child
grow to maturity in the small intestine, and gravid segments of
the adult tapeworm continually detach singly or in chains and migrate
out of the anus, independently of stool.2,3
Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis,
and Treatment
The infection is often asymptomatic, but some patients may show loss
of appetite, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, anal pruritus,
poor weight gain, and irritability. Clinically, an initial diagnostic
suspicion may arise from the description of the worm given by the
parent or caretaker. Eosinophilia and urticaria have also been described,
but are not consistent findings.4
The diagnosis is made by the identification of excreted proglottids
or the finding of characteristic egg packets in stool. Routine fecal
examinations may be falsely negative, because the eggs disintegrate
rapidly, are not routinely released in the intestine, and proglottids
migrate out of fresh fecal specimens. The first sign of infection
is often the appearance of the proglottids on the stool or in the
infant’s diaper. A common error is to assume that these
motile objects are pinworms or fly larvae. The parent should be
asked to collect the proglottids in saline (alcohol or other fixatives
make the proglottids opaque and brittle) and bring them to the laboratory.
Compression of the proglottid between glass microscope slides will
reveal the bilateral genital pores.1,3
While human infection is self-limited unless there is repeated
exposure from the environment, praziquantel is effective when given
in a single dose of 5 to 10 mg/kg. Patients should be informed
that the drug is considered investigational by the FDA if used for
this purpose. Niclosamide is also effective but is no longer available
in the United States.3,4
1. Schantz PM. Tapeworms (cestodiasis).
Clin North Am. 1996;25:637-653.
[PubMed: 8863044]
2. Raether W, Hänel H. Epidemiology, clinical manifestations
and diagnosis of zoonotic cestode infections: an update.
Res. 2003;91:412-438.
[PubMed: 13680371]