A-1. Discharge Checklist for Provider
Parents aware of goals for D/C and estimated discharge date: ________
Initiate D/C checklist 2 weeks prior to estimated discharge date: ________
Consider consult from follow-up provider for review of complicated discharge: ________
Diagnostic Tests, Labs, and other Follow-Up
Newborn screen results: ________
Congenital heart disease screening: _________
Echocardiogram: ________
BAER/OAE: ________
HPA evaluation, as indicated: ________
RUS, as indicated: ________
VCUG, as indicated: ________
CUS: ________
Brain MRI, as indicated. Consider for:
Preemie with grade 3 or 4 IVH, cerebellar bleed, or PVL on previous cranial ultrasound
Preemie with birth gestational age <26 weeks
PPHN treated with HFV and NO (“near miss ECMO”)
ECMO for any reason
Neonatal seizures
Abnormal neurologic examination, inability to orally feed, etc
Consider liver ultrasound if ELBW infant to rule out hepatoblastoma if the infant was on long-term HAL with abnormal LFTs: ________
Evaluate need for Hip ultrasound due to Breech presentation or abnormal hip examination due 6 weeks postterm: ________
Car Seat Test:
Complete Discharge Summary
MRI: ________
Echocardiogram (post-ECMO) to r/o SVC syndrome:________
PFTs: ________
Audiology appt (for possible progressive hearing loss)
High-risk clinic follow-up appt
Immunizations and Synagis
Immunizations up-to-date: ________
Flu vaccine (if >6 months of age): ________
Synagis (All doses and dates should be recorded in discharge summary along with the recommendation to continue monthly though RSV season for PCP):________
Specialized Parent Teaching
Specific equipment teaching completed: ________
Stayed in Care-by-Parent Room: ________
Back to Sleep × 3 days (minimum): ________
Second-Hand Smoke discussed: ________
Lactation breast-feeding plan for home: ________
ST/OT feeding plan for home: ________
PT exercises for home: ________
Dietician teaches formula preparation: ________
Solu-Cortef injection teaching, as indicated: ________
Infants with VP shunts: teaching regarding s/s of malfunction/ infection: ________
Hypoglycemia/glucometer: ________
G-tube care: ________
Trach changes (three per each immediate care provider)
Who ______ Dates______/______/______
Who ______ Dates ______/______/______
Who______ Dates ______/______/______
Cleared to be released to home per Social Work: _______
Transportation arranged: _______
Baby supplies (diapers, clothes, bottles, crib, etc) for home adequate: ________
Working phone available: _______
Power company has been notified if the infant is technology dependent (home ventilator): _______
Interpreter available for discharge:________