RT Book, Section A1 Hormann, Mark D. A1 Yetman, Robert J. A1 Ganti, Latha A1 Kaufman, Matthew S. SR Print(0) ID 1208622799 T1 Hematologic Disease T2 First Aid for theĀ®: Pediatrics Clerkship, 5th Edition YR 2023 FD 2023 PB McGraw Hill PP New York, NY SN 9781264264490 LK accesspediatrics.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1208622799 RD 2025/01/26 AB Red blood cell (RBC) parameters vary with age, race, and gender (Table 15-1).Lower limit of normal (3rd percentile) Hgb from age 1-10 years = 11 + (0.1xAge).Lower limit of normal (3rd percentile) MCV from age 1-10 years = 70 + Age.